Murder in the Sentier is a modern mystery set in Paris during July, 1994. The plot focuses on the main character, Aimee Leduc, trying to find information about her mother who left when she was a child. In her inquiries she comes across a link between her mother and a 1960's terrorist group whose various members are coming out of hiding and prison with the single goal of finding a twenty year old stash of diamonds. With multiple independent players providing shady information Aimee's questions about her mother put her in the line of fire.
Having never been to Paris I am not the best judge on how accurate the setting is but the Sentier and other districts are described in a way the reader can visualize the streets and buildings without having been there. The sprinkling of French throughout the book add more authenticity to the setting and characters. Overall I enjoyed this novel as well as a previous book by Cara Black and have a third Aimee Leduc Investigation to read a some point.
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